huge mining truck

Here is all you need to know about mining trucks. The truck is enormous — mountain-sized, practically — something that just moves from out of sight to out of sight. This big trucks are used by Tuoxing, a special mining company, to source minerals from inside the earth.

Each of these trucks is incredibly tough. They have the ability to haul more than 100 elephants combined! That’s right — one truck can haul 100 big animals. The trucks have massive tires designed to pass over rough, bumpy terrain. Their engine is the truck's beating heart keeping the wheels spinning and the very meat of the device working out an important job.

How one truck can move mountains

One specific truck, the BelAZ 75710, is just massive. It weighs as much as many, many cars combined. These wheels on the truck are taller than a grown-up person standing up, and there are eight of them. This truck has the same length as a three-story building next to it!

These trucks are designed by smart engineers and workers. They even use special strong steel to make the truck tough and safe. The truck goes, hoisting heavy objects with the ease of a stalwart picking up a great pile of rocks as if they were feathers. Each and every piece of the truck works in unison to transport large quantities of rock and soil from point A to B.

Why choose Tuoxing huge mining truck?

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